Category Archives: Mesothelioma

After a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Now that your mesothelioma diagnosis is confirmed, successfully treating and managing the disease becomes your priority. Although you’ll be dealing with a wide range of emotions, here are six things patients must know after diagnosis to help better manage the disease.

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Mesothelioma Survival

Here, according to clinical authorities, is a partial list of steps you can take to improve your odds of living beyond the statistical norms: Holistic care means treating more than just your physical illness alone. This can be important because mesothelioma attacks not only your body but also your emotions. You mental health status can

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Mesothelioma Stages

Your treatment for mesothelioma begins after your doctors perform a clinical task known as staging. According to the National Cancer Institute, staging helps doctors map out a suitable course of treatment for you. It also lets them offer you a dependable prognosis. In addition, staging helps doctors determine whether you might benefit by enrolling in

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Mesothelioma Causes

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Mesothelioma Types

Wherever it starts, mesothelioma’s initial target is always your mesothelium. The mesothelium is a thin sheet of cells (called mesothelials) that covers an organ in need of protection. Mesothelioma can attack various parts of your body. It’s considered a different type of mesothelioma depending on where it occurs. Mesothelioma usually begins its attack in one

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Types of Cancer Cells

The cellular biology of cancer is complex, but understanding it can help doctors save patients’ lives. The success of a mesothelioma treatment strategy depends on the type of cells your cancer is made of. Cell makeup matters because some treatments prove more effective against one type than another. Also, cell type gives your doctors an

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Diagnosis & Prognosis

You know that you worked with asbestos in the past, or a close family member did. You suspect you might have cancer — and you think you have the symptoms of mesothelioma. It’s time to go to the doctor, as soon as possible. The first step to getting tested for mesothelioma is meeting with your

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Mesothelioma Symptoms

It is vital for anyone exposed to asbestos to be aware of the symptoms of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is an aggressively dangerous cancer capable of growing and spreading quickly once signs and symptoms appear. Many of the symptoms are similar in nature to those of benign conditions. If you suffer from mesothelioma, your best chance of

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Mesothelioma is one of the most aggressive cancers known to medical science. It forms on the lining of the lungs, abdomen, heart or reproductive system organs. According to the National Cancer Institute, it ranks among the most virulent malignancies. Tens of thousands of Americans carry this cancer within their bodies. There are approximately 3,000 new

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